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34 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 35
Alumni Networking Lunch in Singapore
On 4 February 4 2023, the Nanyang Centre for Public The alumni present are mostly graduates of three
Administration (NCPA) held an alumni networking Master’s programmes taught in English, including
lunch in Singapore. Assoc Prof Wang Jue, Director Master of Social Sciences in China and Global
of NCPA, along with Deputy Directors Dr Dai Shiyan Governance (previously named Master of Arts in
and Mr Wang Hang, and alumni, instructors, student Contemporary China), Master of Public Administration,
representatives, and administrative staff, participated and Master of Science in Managerial Economics.
in the gathering to celebrate the start of the lunar Year Part of them also came from the two Master’s
of the Rabbit. programmes taught in Chinese, namely, Executive
Master of Science in Managerial Economics and
In her welcome address, Assoc Prof Wang expressed Executive Master of Public Administration. The
her delight to meet everyone again after a three-year majority of these alumni are Singaporean citizens,
suspension of such a celebration event due to the permanent residents, or residents frequently staying
COVID-19 pandemic. She expressed her gratitude in Singapore. 2023年2月4日,南洋公共管理研究生院在新加
to the alumni and instructors for their support and 坡举行联谊午餐,学院院长王珏副教授,副院长
contribution to NCPA, and hoped that the event The networking event ended by a group photo with 戴世岩博士、副院长王航与学院部分校友、授课
would help further enhance the relationship between all the teachers and students, classmates and alumni, 教师、在校学生代表和学院行政人员共庆癸卯兔年
the alumni and Centre, while expanding NCPA’s capturing the warm and joyous atmosphere of the 新春。
global network. NCPA community.
Assoc Prof Wang and Dr Dai,
参加活动的校友来自中国与全球治理(原当代 together with the faculty,
中国研究硕士项目)、公共管理和管理经济学三个 celebrated the occasion in a
以英文授课的硕士项目和高级管理经济学、高级公 traditional Chinese cultural
共管理两个以中文授课的硕士项目。这些校友大都 王珏院长、戴世岩副院长与
是新加坡公民、永久居民或常住新加坡。 授课教师们捞鱼生
Mr Wang Hang (4 from right) joined the alumni of “Mayors’ class” in celebration Assoc Prof Wang Jue
王航副院长(右四)与“市长班”校友捞鱼生 王珏院长