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32 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 33
of NCPA in 2017. He also graced the 2021 Lien 2022 年 7 月 1 日,南大创校 30 周年晚宴在
NTU celebrate its 30 Anniversary International Conference on Good Governance. During 大学“The Wave”体育中心举行。新加坡副总理
the dinner, Minister Ong actively engaged with the 兼经济政策统筹部长王瑞杰通过预录视频向晚宴致
NCPA师生校友参加南大创校30周年庆祝晚宴 “Mayors’ Class” students and NCPA alumni. 辞。包括新加坡前总统陈庆炎伉俪、卫生部长王乙
Over the past thirty years, NTU has undergone 博士,南大校董会成员,校长苏布拉·苏雷什教授
remarkable transformation from a primarily teaching- 等大学领导与近700位嘉宾,欢聚一堂,共叙南大
NTU Singapore marked its 30 anniversary by hosting virtually and delivered an address to the guests. Also focused institution to an internationally recognized 情,回顾大学30年发展历程。
a commemorative dinner at the university’s sports in attendance were NTU Pro Chancellors, present and research powerhouse. Its dedication to academic
hall, “The Wave,” on 1 July 2022. The event was held former Board Trustees and NTU leaders, major donors, and educational excellence has placed it among the 南洋公共管理研究生院中英文硕士项目的毕业
to express gratitude and pay tribute to the university’s partners, faculty, staff and student leaders. world’s top-ranking universities. To commemorate this 生和目前在读的“市长班”部分学员也出席了晚
leadership, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and partners milestone achievement, Ms Goh Swee Chen, the chair 宴。“市长班”学员表示能参加这样的大型活动,
who have made significant contributions to NTU over Graduates of various NCPA degree programmes, of the NTU Board of Trustees, President Subra Suresh, 有机会向新加坡政府部长、校领导和老师们沟通和
the past three decades. including MME, MPA, MCGG, and students of the and other members of the board and council, kicked off 学习是一个非常难得的机会。校友们则对参与疫情
“Mayor’s Class,” EMME and EMPA also joined the the evening’s festivities by inviting everyone to celebrate 后大学举办的大型活动表示兴奋,毕业之后有机会
The dinner was attended by nearly 700 guests, including event. The alumni expressed their excitement at the NTU’s remarkable journey. 再次回到母校,倍感亲切,也让他们与母校的联系
former Singapore President and former NTU Chancellor opportunity to join the large-scale event and their deep 更加紧密。
Dr Tony Tan, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, and connection to their alma mater.
Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs Dr Muhammad 新加坡卫生部长王乙康多次受邀出席学院组
Tito Karnavian. Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister Ong Ye Kung’s support for NCPA has been 织的大型活动。2017年他在担任教育部长时曾
Minister for Economic Policies Mr Heng Swee Keat, unwavering over the years. As the then Minister of 作为主宾出席学院发展25周年的庆祝晚宴。去
who was the Guest of Honour, attended the dinner Education, he attended the 25 anniversary celebration
年也曾出席学院 2021 连氏国际学术会议。再
Minister Ong Ye Kung (2 from left) with the alumni of MPA-E.
Prof Liu Hong (3 from right) with NCPA alumni