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28  NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                        南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            29

 NCPA Distinguished Speaker Series Lecture by Dr Arkebe Oqubay  的南洋高级培训中心大礼堂举办“南洋公共管理研
 埃塞俄比亚高级部长谈亚洲转型与中非合作                                          塞俄比亚高级部长兼总理特别顾问阿尔卡贝·奥克
                                                              贝博士 (Arkebe Oqubay)。


              First, structural transformation is the key driver. Second,
              industrial policy serves as a vehicle to drive structural   南方的合作。Arkebe博士认为亚洲转型的发展经
              transformation  and  economic  growth.  Third,  green   验主要表现在三点。第一,结构转型是关键驱动
              economic  development.  The  transformation  of  green   力。第二,产业政策是结构转型和经济增长的载
              energy  and  infrastructure,  as  well  as  the  paradigm   体。第三,绿色经济发展。能源、基础设施的绿色
              shift  of  technological,  economic,  political,  and  social   转型,以及技术经济、政治、社会等要素的范式转
              elements, are all important factors for the development   变,都是绿色经济发展的重要因素。最后,Arkebe
              of a green economy.                             博士强调,必须超越欧洲中心论,从非洲自身多元
              In conclusion, Dr. Arkebe emphasized the need to move   力和决心,即使他们是后来者,也同样可以实现
 Nanyang  Centre  for  Public  Administration’s  (NCPA)   transforming the city. He holds a PhD in development   beyond Eurocentrism and analyze developments in the   发展。
 Distinguished  Speaker  Series  lecture  by  Dr  Arkebe   studies  from  SOAS,  University  of  London,  and  has   Global  South  from  the  internal  perspective  of  Africa’s
 Oqubay,  Senior  Minister  and  Special  Advisor  to   various publications with the Oxford University Press.  own diversity and uniqueness. Economic development   在随后的提问和交流环节,在场的教授、专
 the  Prime  Minister  of  Ethiopia,  entitled  “Asian   depends on the ability and determination of a country   业人士和NCPA管理经济学硕士项目的学生积极
 Transformation  and  Global  South  Cooperation”,  was   He  is  Professor  of  Practice  at  the  University  of   and its citizens to achieve it. Even as late comers, they   发问,Arkebe博士也一一给出自己的观点和见解。
 held  on  11  November  2022  at  the  auditorium  of   Johannesburg (South Africa), and a Visiting Professor at   can also achieve development.  如刘宏教授在最后总结时所说,公开讲座是一次
 the  Nanyang  Executive  Centre.  Prof  Liu  Hong,  NTU   Sciences Po (Paris) and Fudan University.  难得的学习机会,Arkebe博士为我们认识非洲打
 Associate Vice President, International and Director of   During the Q & A segment, the professors, professionals,   开了很好的窗口,他也鼓励同学们了解非洲经济
 NCPA, was the moderator for the lecture.  Dr  Arkebe’s  speech  centered  around  three  aspects:   and students of the NCPA’s postgraduate programmes   发展的机遇,探索非洲大地以及亚非合作的无限
 the economic transformation of Asia (especially China   engaged  in  robust  conversations,  where  Dr  Arkebe   可能。
 Dr  Arkebe  Oqubay  is  a  Senior  Minister  and  Special   and Singapore) from another perspective, the road to   also shared his views and insights one by one. Prof Liu
 Advisor  to  the  Prime  Minister  of  Ethiopia  and  has   economic transformation in Africa; the cooperation   Hong commented that this public lecture was a unique
 been closely engaged in the work of policymaking and   between Asia, Africa, and the global South. Dr Arkebe   learning opportunity to a deeper understanding of
 implementation in the past more than thirty years. He   believed  that  the  development  experience  of  Asia’s   Africa. He also encouraged students to understand the
 was  the  former  Mayor  of  Addis  Ababa  and  winner  of   transformation is apparent in the three areas.  opportunities for African economic development and
 the  Best  African  Mayor  of  2006  award  presented  by   explore the land of Africa, and the infinite possibilities of
 ABN  and  was  a  finalist  World  Mayor  Award  2006,  for   Asia-Africa cooperation.
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