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24 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 25
The 7 TCTF-NTU Advanced Leadership Development
Forum Successfully Held in Singapore
Professor Cham Tao Soon Professor Han Shenghao Professor Liu Hong
On 8 March, the 7 TCTF-NTU Advanced Leadership In the opening addresses, Prof Cham Tao Soon, 詹道存教授 韩圣浩教授 刘宏教授
Development Forum was successfully held in member of the board of directors of the Tan Chin
Singapore. The theme of this forum was “Innovation- Tuan Foundation (TCTF) and President Emeritus of
Driven Development Strategy and Talents Nurturing in NTU, and Prof Liu Hong, spoke respectively on behalf
the Post Pandemic Era”. The forum brought together of the TCTF and the NTU. Prof Cham emphasized
university-level leaders of six well-known Chinese the importance of both universities and industries
universities, as well as officials from the universities, adapting to constantly changing environments, with
research institutions, and government departments innovation remaining the driving force behind growth.
in Singapore to deliberate this central topic in depth Universities must cultivate individuals who are
both in person and online. Over 200 people attended willing to break conventions and propose innovative
the event in person, and another 200 participated strategies and solutions. Prof Liu stated that China’s Associate Professor Wang Jue Professor An Lizhe Professor Yang Renshu
online. Prof Liu Hong, NTU’s Associate Vice President influence in the global innovation landscape is 王珏副教授 安黎哲教授 杨仁树教授
(International engagement), Associate Prof Wang Jue, increasingly significant, with enhanced innovative
Director of NCPA, as well as Dr Dai Shiyan and Mr capabilities and talent playing a critical role.
Wang Hang, both Deputy Director of NCPA, attended
the forum in person.
Professor Tan Zheming Mr Sim Feng-Ji Professor Hong Wanjin
谈哲敏教授 沈丰吉先生 洪万进教授
During the keynote speech at the Forum, Vice Prof Tan Zheming, President of Nanjing University,
President Han Shenghao of Shandong University Prof Yang Renshu, President of University of Science
delivered a presentation entitled “Promoting Innovation and Technology Beijing, and Prof An Lizhe, President
through Integration and Cultivating High-Quality of Beijing Forestry University delivered speeches online
Talent for the Future”. He shared insights on the on a range of topics pertaining to interdisciplinary
cooperation between School of Medicine Shandong education, innovation, talent development, and
University and multiple units within the university to strategic development and talent cultivation theory.
develop knowledge-based professionals capable of In their presentations, they shared their respective
addressing real-world clinical problems. Meanwhile, institutions’ best practices in responding to national
Prof Liu Hong delivered a speech on “Technological development goals and nurturing multifaceted talents
Innovation and the Talent War,” highlighting the leveraging their unique strengths.
university’s experience in discipline construction,
research strategy, faculty recruitment, and training.