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30  NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                        南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            31

              Dr  Zhong  Feiteng  noted  that  since  the  launch  of  the   2023年是“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,回
 NTU-Stratagem: Sino-Singapore Dialogue  BRI  ten  years  ago,  a  combination  of  hard  and  soft    顾“一带一路”在全球范围尤其是东南亚的发展
 BRI 2.0: Reboot, Re-Energise and Re-Strategise  connectivity  has  been  achieved,  with  infrastructure   成果,思考下一个十年的发展趋势和重点,研讨高
              interconnectivity forming the foundation for trade and   质量共建“一带一路”面临的机遇与挑战。在此背
 新加坡南洋理工大学—思睿集团:新中对话会谈“一带一路”2.0  fund flow in countries and regions. China’s experience   景下,南洋理工大学南洋公共管理研究生院和新加
              has also provided intellectual support. Mr Ho Chee Hin   坡思睿集团于2023年4月6日携手举办新中对话会:
              shared his belief that the BRI has assisted in regional  “一带一路2.0:启动新引擎、注入新活力、重塑新战
 The 10  anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)   Yong, Vice President (Industry) of NTU, Prof Liu Hong,   infrastructure construction over the past decade, with   略”。新加坡、中国和东南亚国家的学者专家受邀
 is being commemorated this year in 2023. To mark the   Associate Vice President (International Engagement)   Singapore being an active participant in the initiative.   与会,给出他们的观点。
 occasion, the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration   and  Director  of  the  Nanyang  Centre  for  Public   Many  BRI  projects  have  been  established  between
 at  Nanyang  Technological  University  Singapore  and   Administration  (Research  and  Executive  Education),   Singapore  and  China,  benefiting  Southeast  Asian   本场对话会吸引了近200位观众的出席,连瀛
 the Stratagem Group have jointly organized the “NTU-  Assoc Prof Wang Jue, Director of the Nanyang Centre for   countries.  Mr  Chen  Xiang  discussed  his  involvement   洲纪念奖学金理事会主席林子安先生,南洋理工大
 Stratagem: Sino-Singapore Dialogue: BRI 2.0: Reboot,   Public  Administration,  and  Singaporean  Lien  Fellows   in  BRI  projects  and  emphasized  the  need  for  local   学董事会成员再努先生,副校长(产业)蓝钦扬教授,
 Re-energise, Re-strategise” event. The purpose of this   who were all present at the event.  small and medium-sized enterprises and people to   协理副校长(国际合作)、南洋公共管理研究生院院
 event is to review the successes of the Belt and Road   participate, highlighting the opportunities for mutual   长(研究与培训)刘宏教授,南洋公共管理研究生院院
 Initiative in Southeast Asia and globally, and to explore   The guest speakers at the dialogue session included   benefit.  Dr  Pham  Sy  Thanh  noted  that  the  BRI  has   长王珏副教授以及新加坡连氏学者们出席了对话会。
 the  development  trends  and  priorities  for  the  next   Dr Zhong Feiteng, Director of the Office of the Institute   facilitated connections between the Chinese market and
 decade. Scholars and experts from Singapore, China,   of  Asia  Pacific  and  Global  Strategy  at  the  Chinese   countries and regions, providing possibilities for further     对话会的嘉宾包括中国社会科学院亚太与全球
 and Southeast Asian nations have been invited to share   Academy  of  Social  Sciences,  Mr  Ho  Chee  Hin,  Chief   deepening cooperation.  战略研究院研究员、大国关系研究室主任钟飞腾博
 their insights on the opportunities and challenges of   Executive  Officer  of  Business  China,  Mr  Chen  Xiang,   士,通商中国总裁何致轩,中资企业新加坡协会副
 high-quality co-construction of the BRI.  Deputy  President  of  China’s  Enterprises  Association   The dialogue session was held with great enthusiasm   会长、中国银行新加坡分行副行长陈翔,越南经济
 (Singapore)    and  Deputy  CEO  of  Bank  of  China    as the guest speakers shared their insights and   与政策研究院中国战略和经济研究中心主任范士成
 The  dialogue  session  attracted  nearly  200  attendees,   (Singapore),  and  Dr  Pham  Sy  Thanh,  Director  of  the   engaged  in  frequent  interactions  with  the  audience.   博士。对话会由荣集团总裁、连氏学者符标雄主持。
 including  Mr  Lim  Chee  Onn,  Chairman  of  the  Lien   Center for Chinese Strategy and Economic Studies in   The  two-hour  dialogue  session  ended  successfully
 Ying  Chow  Legacy  Fellowship  Council,  Mr  Zainul   Vietnam. The dialogue was moderated by Mr Douglas   after a brief extension.   钟飞腾博士认为“一带一路”倡议提出十年来
 Abidin,  Member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  Nanyang   Foo,  Chairman  of  Sakae  Holdings,  who  is  also  a   实现了硬联通和软联通的相结合,基础设施的互联
 Technological University Singapore (NTU), Prof Lam Khin   Singapore Lien Fellow.  互通为沿线国家和地区的贸易畅通、资金融通奠定


 From Left: Mr Douglas Foo, Dr Zhong Feiteng, Mr Ho Chee Hin, Mr Chen Xiang and Dr Pham Sy Thanh
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