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36     NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                                                                                                                                      南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            37

                                                                                                                                        Prof  Wang  Jue  presented  the  Director’s  List,   南洋公共管理研究生院为第二十六届高级管理
                  EMME/EMPA Class Completion Ceremony                                                                                   Outstanding  Student  Award,  Best  Thesis  Award,  and   经济学硕士项目和第十八届高级公共管理硕士项目
                                                                                                                                        graduation shields  to the deserving students. In   学员举办结业典礼,庆祝他们完成学业,从“新”
                  高级管理经济学和高级公共管理硕士项目毕业典礼                                                                                                addition, the class committee was specially recognized   再出发。
                                                                                                                                        with crystal awards for their hard work and dedication
                                                                                                                                        throughout the program.                            中国驻新加坡大使馆公使衔参赞(教育)韩骏
                                                                                                                                        A graduation video, as well as various performances,   南洋公共管理研究生院院长(研究与培训)刘宏教
                                                                                                                                        were presented by the students, leaving the attendees   授,南洋公共管理研究生院院长王珏副教授以及学
                                                                                                                                        in  awe.  Mr  Zhan  Yuxiang,  the  class  representative,   院领导、项目授课教授和老师们,出席了结业典
                                                                                                                                        took the opportunity to express his heartfelt gratitude   礼,61名同学顺利毕业,即将结束在南大的学习
                                                                                                                                        towards the faculty and staff of NTU. He remarked, “As   时光。
                                                                                                                                        we leave the school, we have mixed feelings of joy and
                                                                                                                                        sadness, but the deep gratitude remains in our hearts.   刘宏 教授在 致辞中 表示 , 2022年是 很多人
                                                                                                                                        Teachers’  kindness  is  unforgettable,  and  the  teacher-  的人生新体验。在疫情反复的特殊时期,同
                                                                                                                                        student relationship will always be cherished.”  学们不但顺利完成了学业,学有所成,而且更

                The Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA)   Despite  the  challenges  posed  by  the  COVID-19
                 held a graduation ceremony to celebrate the 26  cohort   pandemic, the students of EMME and EMPA not only                                                                 结业典礼中颁发了院长嘉奖名单优秀学生奖、
                 of the Master of Science in Managerial Economics and   achieved academic success, but also gained a deeper                                                            优秀毕业论文奖,同学们也分组从院长王珏副教授
                 the 18  cohort of the Master of Public Administration   understanding of Singapore and its response to the             Assoc Prof Wang Jue (4  from right) presenting the Director’s list,   的手中接过毕业盾牌。为了感谢班委一年的辛苦付
                 programmes on their completion of studies and new   epidemic.  Prof  Liu  emphasized  that  the  students’             Outstanding Student Award and Best Thesis Award  出,学院专门制作了水晶奖座颁发给班委们。
                 beginnings.  Attendees  at  the ceremony  included    first-hand  experience  in  observing  the  different            王珏院长为院长嘉奖名单优秀学生奖和优秀毕业论文奖的获奖学生颁奖
                 Dr Han Jun, Minister Counsellor of Education, and Mr   strategies and approaches of countries in response                                                                 同学们精心制作班级毕业视频,表演了精彩的
                 Wang Wei, First Secretary of the Education Section of   to the pandemic brought valuable insights and                                                                 节目。班长占宇翔代表学员发言,他深情回顾了在
                 the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, as well as Prof Liu   enlightenment, setting them up for future success.                                                            云南园求学的美好时光,“即将走出校门,欢喜
                 Hong, Associate Vice President of NTU (International                                                                                                                  与伤感的心情杂糅,唯有藏在心中深深的谢意。”
                 Engagement) and Director of NCPA (Research and EDP),   During  his  speech,  Dr  Han  Jun  congratulated  the                                                        “桃李不言,下自成蹊。师恩难忘,师情永存。”
                Assoc Prof Wang Jue, Director of NCPA, professors and   students and commended the high-level education
                 teachers. A total of 61 students successfully graduated   cooperation between China and Singapore, which has
                 and will soon complete their learning journey at NTU.  been symbolized by the EMME and EMPA programmes
                                                                 at  NTU.  He  praised  the  programmes  for  their  ability
                At the graduation ceremony, Prof Liu Hong addressed   to nurture and produce thousands of highly-skilled
                 the attendees, highlighting the unique circumstances   graduates,  who  will  play  important  roles  in  the          Dr Han Jun presenting the awards to the class committee
                 that made 2022 a year of new experiences for many.   development of both countries.                                    韩骏博士公参为班委颁奖
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