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48 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 49
Ushering in the Year of the Rabbit with Warm Spring Greetings 2022 NCPA Sports Meet
学院春节慰问 南洋公共管理研究生院2022体育运动会成功举办
Every year there are a significant number of students These heartfelt gestures bestowed joy and fostered a Following the success of the preceding Chinese The EMME/EMPA team won the first place in badminton
finding themselves unable to return to their hometowns sense of belonging among the students, making them Programmes Sports Meet held in November 2021, and the MME July-intake team came in first in the ball-
to partake in the joyous reunions of Chinese New Year, feel at home during the celebratory season of Spring the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) relay race, and also clinched the championship in table
owing to their academic obligations. and sets the tone for a year imbued with prosperity and recently organised a well-attended NCPA Sports Meet tennis competition with an exceptional overall score.
blessings for all. in the afternoon of 3 September 2022 at the North Hill
To usher in the lunar year of the rabbit, the leadership Function Hall in NTU. The award ceremony was held at the Nanyang
team, together with colleagues of the Nanyang Centre 兔年春节即将来临之际,南洋公共管理研究 Executive Centre (NEC), where Mr Wang and Dr Dai,
of Public Administration (NCPA) gathered to extend 生院为留校过年的560位学生送上新春的祝福。学 The student participants showed their best athletic along with Ms Kathryne Yew, Senior Assistant Director
warm spring wishes to some 560 students who opted to 院领导和老师们精心准备了春节礼包,美味的巧 selves at the table tennis, badminton and ball of NCPA, respectively presented awards to all the
remain on campus during the Chinese New Year period. 克力和曲奇饼干,寓意大吉大利红包封套、满满 relay match across five categories: men’s and participants of the four teams, the eight judges and the
The exquisite gift packs of lovely chocolates and cookies, 春节祝福的问候卡,当然还有新加坡拜年必备的 women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and five representatives of the sports committee.
auspicious red packets and greeting cards filled with “年柑”,将祝福传递给各位同学! mixed doubles.
New Year blessings, in addition to the quintessential The evening ended with everyone enjoying a delectable
Singaporean “Nian kan,” (mandarin tangerine) put a 每年春节,很多同学因为学业和假期的原因, In his welcome address, Mr Wang Hang, Deputy buffet dinner and the students were delighted to
smile on many faces. 不能返回家乡与家人共度这个团圆的节日。从2020 Director of NCPA, who was the lead event organiser, receive hand-made lanterns gifted by NCPA, making
年开始,学院每年都为留校学生准备春节礼包,让 encouraged the enthusiastic participants to bear the it yet another memorable gathering brimming with
The mandarin tangerine, a tradition originating from 留校过年的同学们感受到学院大家庭的温暖,也 spirit of sportsmanship and bond with one another celebratory mid-autumn festivities.
China’s Teochew and Swatou region, is distinguishable 让他们在炎热的赤道感受南洋独特的春节文化和 through friendly competition.
by its larger size in comparison to an orange and holds 习俗。例如拜年一定要有的“年柑”,源自潮汕
auspicious significance as a symbol of good fortune and 地区的传统习俗。因为柑大于橘,而被成为大桔 Assoc Prof Wang Jue, Director of NCPA and Dr Dai
blessings for the upcoming year. (吉),寓意美好,也为来年祈福。 Shiyan, Deputy Director of NCPA were also present
to root for the students and expressed their hope
Since 2020, NCPA has consistently embraced the 今年学院六个硕士项目的560名学生大都在新 that such sporting events would further enrich
tradition of gifting uniquely curated Chinese New Year 加坡过年。来自学院的祝福带给同学们浓浓的年 the students’ campus experience by facilitating
gift packs for the students who remain on campus, to let 味,更有一份暖暖的温情。 meaningful exchanges, nurturing lasting friendships
them bask in the warmth of the NTU community while and deepening bonds, thereby enhancing their overall
immersing in the distinctive customs and traditions that personal and academic journey.
define this important festive season, especially within
the backdrop of our uniquely Singaporean culture. After four hours of intense competition, the four
finalists emerged from the Chinese Executive
Programmes teams, namely Executive Master of
Public Administration (EMPA) and Executive Master of
Science in Managerial Economics (EMME) team, MME
July-intake team and MME November-intake team, and
last but not least the Master of Public Administration Dr Dai Shiyan, Deputy Director of NCPA, presenting the tokens of
participation to winners
MPA (English) team. 戴世岩副院长颁奖给获胜同学