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46     NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                                                                                                                                      南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            47

                                                               Lianhe Zaobao Gold Medal                                                                                          Nanyang International Club Gold Medal
                                                                    联合早报金牌奖                                                                                                             南洋国际俱乐部金牌奖

                                        Thank you, NTU and NCPA, for the gold medal award. It is indeed a prized batch of                                       I am highly honoured and elated to receive the Nanyang International Club Gold Medal
                                        honour and recognition. For me, the opportunity to study abroad during the pandemic                                     shortly after graduation. I sincerely thank NCPA and the Nanyang International Club for
                                        was  an  unexpected  blessing,  for  which  I  am  immensely  grateful.  My  heartfelt                                  their unwavering support. From the inspiring teachers, affable classmates, challenging
                     Han Tingting       appreciation goes to Professor Liu Hong and our lecturers who not only imparted their                Si Chengjun        examinations to the breath-taking beauty of NTU, I will cherish these great times that I
                        韩婷婷             knowledge but also inspired us with their exemplary guidance. I am also thankful to                    司成君              spent on campus, for a long time to come.  This significant award not only acknowledges
                                        my supportive friends for the fulfilling and memorable times I spent in Singapore last                                  my achievements but also fuels my determination to achieve even greater success. I
                 Executive Master of Public   year. Going forward, I will continue to strive for personal and professional excellence,   Executive Master of Science   extend my heartfelt wishes to China and Singapore for a long-standing friendship and
                   Administration (EMPA)  and earnestly pursue knowledge and growth. All the best to NTU and NCPA!                       in Managerial Economics   may our esteemed alma mater, NTU, scale even greater heights in the years to come.
                    高级公共管理硕士                                                                                                                   (EMME)
                                            感谢南洋理工大学和南洋公共管理研究生院对我的鼓励与认可,授予我这                                                              高级管理经济学硕士                毕业数月后,欣闻获颁南洋国际俱乐部金牌奖,倍感荣耀与激动!感谢
                                        份荣誉。疫情期间出国留学,是我意料之外却又满怀感恩的选择。感谢刘宏教                                                                                      NCPA的惦念与认可,感谢南洋国际俱乐部的鼓励与支持。回忆在南洋理工大学
                                        授及其他老师们的言传身教,感谢朋友们的一路同行,让我在新加坡一年的学                                                                                      的一年时光,老师的教导、同学的陪伴、挠头的考试、南洋的风景,无一不是
                                        习生涯既充实踏实又丰富多彩。未来的自己,将继续保持对知识的渴望、对生                                                                                      那么美好!获此殊荣,既是认可,更是激励,必将百尺竿头,更进一步。祝愿
                                        活的热爱,踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,披荆斩棘,勇往直前。祝福学院越来越好!                                                                                      中新两国友谊长存,祝愿母校再创辉煌!

                                                               Ng Ghit Cheong Cash Award

                                        It is a great honour to receive this award and I am deeply grateful to NTU and NCPA.
                                        I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the lecturers who imparted to us,  their
                                        profound knowledge, practical experience and invaluable guidance. Although it was
                        Lin Lan         a brief journey, I will always remember and cherish the memorable times spent at a                                                       Pending
                         林兰             prestigious institution like NTU. As I embark on the next phase of my life, I wish NTU
                                        and NCPA the very best in their future endeavours. May they continue to inspire future
                 Executive Master of Public   generations of scholars and leaders, making a lasting impact in the field of public
                   Administration (EMPA)  administration.
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