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44 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 45
Gold Medal Awards: Annual Award for Executive Tan Chin Tuan Gold Medal
Master’s Programmes
I am honoured and deeply grateful to the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation and NCPA for their
金牌奖揭晓—高级硕士项目年度大奖 recognition and encouragement. My gratitude also goes to the Ministry of Finance for
selecting me for this programme, and to my leaders, colleagues and family for their
Zhai Yanbin support. I will always remember the wonderful and fulfilling time I had on campus this
July marks the graduation season in Singapore, a 7月是新加坡高校的毕业季,大学在这个月举 翟燕彬 past year, the enriching lectures from the dedicated lecturers, the care and support
time when exceptional students are honoured with 办一年一度的毕业典礼,在典礼上也会为优秀毕业 Executive Master of Science from NCPA, and the deep friendships I forged, inspiring me in my future endeavours.
prestigious awards and accolades, established 生颁发嘉奖。这些奖项由社会捐赠机构、爱心人士 in Managerial Economics Thank you once again, and I shall hold close to my heart, all that I value: the picturesque
by generous community donors, individuals, and 和基金会设立,用以鼓励学业最优秀的学生。例如 (EMME) campus and beautiful Lion City; the fortitudes of Sino-Singaporeans; the spirit of
foundations, to recognise the remarkable dedication 在毕业典礼中南洋公共管理研究生院颁发的金牌 高级管理经济学硕士 innovation; inclusivity and remain steadfast to forge ahead.
and academic excellence demonstrated by these 奖,就是得益于不同机构的捐赠而设立。
students. 获此殊荣,深以为幸,衷心感谢陈振传基金会和学院对我的肯定和鼓励。
One such recognition is the esteemed Gold Medal 位领导、同事和家人对我的大力支持。这一年的校园时光美好又充实,来自老
Award awarded to students from the Nanyang Centre 师们的精彩授课、来自学院的关怀帮助、还有和同学结下的深厚友谊,都将成
for Public Administration (NCPA), made possible 为我永难忘怀的经历,也将激励我在今后笃行不怠。最后再次向学院表示感谢
through the generous contributions from Tan Chin Tuan 和致敬:狮城美景,南洋风光;中新栋梁,济济一堂;祈通东西,兼容并蓄;
Foundation, the Association of Nanyang University 务实创新,奋发向上;念兹在兹,无日或忘。
Graduates, Lianhe Zaobao, Ng Ghit Cheong Foundation
and Nanyang International Club.
These awards symbolise the collective support and
encouragement extended to outstanding graduates, The Association of Nanyang University Graduates Gold Medal
motivating them to strive for the best results. The 南洋大学毕业生联合会金牌奖
generosity and commitment of these donors exemplify
the positive impact of philanthropy in nurturing the I am delighted to receive the Association of Nanyang University Graduates Gold Medal
brightest minds and shaping a brighter future. Award. The encouragement and recognition I have received from NTU and NCPA
will spur me to continue to pursue lifelong learning! I would like to thank the China
Zhao Gang Scholarship Council and Northwestern Polytechnical University for providing me with
赵罡 such a valuable and enriching learning opportunity, and especially the NCPA leadership
team and faculty members for their dedicated guidance and assistance over the past
Executive Master of Science year. It was an honour to partake in NTU’s 30 anniversary celebration in 2021, and I
in Managerial Economics wish NTU and NCPA continued progress and success.