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52 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 53
Soung Mengkea, Deputy State Secretary of Ministry of
EMME/EMPA Students 2022 Overseas Study Trip Finance and Economy of Cambodia, who took valuable
time to meet the students and fondly reminisced the old
EMME/EMPA 2022年国际游学考察 times he had at NTU.
Besides expressing their appreciation for the
During 19 to 29 September 2022, a group of 18 students planning and management of the administrative and thoughtful arrangements and meticulous organisation
from the Executive Master of Science in Managerial judicial capital of Malaysia. Together with the alumni of the expedition, the students unreservedly
Economics (EMME) and Executive Master of Public from NTU Alumni Association (Malaysia), the group acknowledged that the study tour had broadened their
Administration (EMPA) programmes embarked on an visited China Construction Bank Malaysia branch in KL. horizons and deepened their understanding of the
educational overseas trip led by Mr Wang Hang, Deputy BRI-involved countries.
Director of NCPA and Ms Shelly Lu, Senior Assistant To deepen their knowledge, Dr Lim Teck Soon, a senior
Manager of NCPA. lecturer at the Institute of China Studies, University of By observing the local cityscape and custom, analysing Students posing in front of Perdana Putra (which houses the office
Malaya delivered an enriching lecture on “Belt and Road urban planning and exploring government structures complex of the Prime Minister of Malaysia.)
The students visited a few countries along the “Belt and Initiative” and Malaysia, sparking insightful discussions of financial management and economic development,
Road Initiative” (BRI) route in Southeast Asia including among the expedition participants. the expedition seamlessly integrated the student’s
Malacca and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, as well as theoretical knowledge with practical experiences and 在马六甲的郑和文化馆,馆内从历史的角度突
Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Upon their arrival in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), the afforded them a wealth of gainful exposure through the 显马六甲海峡在“一带一路”海上丝绸之路的重要
students explored government offices in close fruitful 11-day trip. 性,同学们受到很大的震撼。之后同学们参观了位
Their expedition commenced at the Cheng Ho (Zheng He) proximity to the Royal Palace Square, and notably, key 于吉隆坡南部的太子城行政区,了解马来西亚国家
Culture Museum in Malacca, where the students were construction projects surrounding the Mekong River. 2022年9月19日-29日,学院的高级管理经济学 级新行政区的规划与管理。在吉隆坡,南洋理工大
captivated by the historical significance of the Straits They toured the bustling Central Market of Phnom 硕士项目和高级公共管理硕士项目的18位学员在王 学马来西亚校友会的校友们与游学团成员见面,并
of Malacca within the context of the “Belt and Road” Penh to gain insights into the city’s urban planning, 航副院长和高级助理经理卢志鹏老师的带领下进行 一起参观中国建设银行马来西亚分行。马来亚大学
Maritime Silk Road and gained a better understanding management, and economic development, as well as 了部分东南亚“一带一路”沿线国家的游学考察, 华人研究所林德顺博士为游学团的同学们做了专题
of the region’s past. the residents’ consumption patterns. 到访了马来西亚的马六甲、吉隆坡,柬埔寨的金边 讲座《“一带一路”和马来西亚》,并就相关话题
Next, the students ventured to Putrajya, situated in the The delegation was also warmly received by the
south of Kuala Lumpur (KL), to gain insights into the President of NTU Alumni Association in Cambodia, H.E. 在柬埔寨的首都金边,同学们参观了王宫广场
经济财政部国务秘书SOUNG MENGKEA先生也抽出
Meeting and interaction with management representatives from China Construction Bank Malaysia branch in KL Visit to Cheng Ho (Zheng He) Cultural Museum in Malacca
参访和交流时段,中国建设银行马来西亚吉隆坡分行 马六甲郑和文化馆参访