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56 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 57
Development Board (HDB) policy and community 4月21日上午,应南洋理工大学南洋公共管理
Insightful lecture on Singapore’s National Development and building initiatives, to ensure that every individual has a 研究生院邀请,客座教授曾士生先生来校举办“新
Governance Experience by Adjunct Professor Chan Soo Sen place to call home. 加坡国家建设与治理经验”讲座,并与高级管理经
客座教授曾士生先生来院分享新加坡国家建设与治理经验 Singapore has also made significant strides in promoting
racial integration locally by allowing residents of 曾教授从历史视角、实践视角、发展视角三个
different ethnicities to live together and interact on 维度对新加坡的存在与发展、人力资源、社会福
a regular basis in public housing, where 80% of the 利、创新实践、廉政保障等方面为大家进行重点阐
On 21 April 2022 Mr Chan Soo Sen, Adjunct Professor characterised by innovation in the face of adversities and population lives. This initiative has effectively bridged 述。曾教授用生动的语言向大家讲述了新加坡的独
of the Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) upholding fairness in fostering mutual trust between socioeconomic disparities, fostered racial harmony 立是一个“历史的意外”,在困境下,新加坡通过
conducted a lecture on “Singapore’s Experience in the government and its citizens. and promoted a cohesive society that transcends 创新借鉴走在时代的前方,廉政是政府人民互相信
Nation Building and Governance” for students from economic boundaries. 任的基础。
the March-intake of Master of Public Administration He emphasised that the principles of law and order as
(EMPA) and Master of Science in Managerial Economics the bedrock of our nation not only provide the framework A notable aspect addressed by Prof Chan was the 曾教授表示“新加坡是一个法理情的国家”,
(EMME) programmes. for an effective administration but also safeguard well-structured medical subsidy system. Given 政府通过颁布法令,从土地、经费、建设和分配等
good governance and promote the general welfare of the challenges posed by an aging population and 方面,确保征收的土地能够被国家合法利用;通过
In a highly informative session, Prof Chan shed light her people. rising healthcare costs, Singapore has implemented 组屋政策和社区建设制度,确保“居者有其屋”;
on Singapore’s remarkable journey of existence, comprehensive healthcare reforms, financing schemes 通过“志愿服务”等方式弥合了因种族差异和贫富
development, human resources, social welfare, Through strict legislation on the acquisition, funding, and subsidies. These clear regulations for both private 差距造成的裂痕,促进了种族和谐、社会凝聚和民
innovative practices, and commitment to integrity. With construction and distribution of land, the government and government hospital patients ensure that individuals 政沟通。
a keen focus on historical, practical, and developmental ensures the lawful use of acquired land by the state with diverse needs and financial capacities receive the
perspectives, he eloquently conveyed the idea that for public purposes. In parallel, the government has appropriate support, where necessary. 曾教授强调,在社区治理方面,新加坡以种族
Singapore’s independence was a fortuitous outcome implemented robust policies such as the Housing 和谐、社区凝聚、民政沟通为目的,坚持多元化种
The Master’s programme students felt privileged to 族下的社区大家庭制度和完善的社会保障体系相结
learn from an experienced and former Minister of State 合,让语言、信仰、种族等不同的邻里能够和谐相
for Community Development and Sports, Education, and 处,共创共建。在国家独立、民族融合和社会发展
Trade and Industry. These insightful interactions arm the 的长期过程中,新加坡逐步形成了自信自立、重视
students with an enriched understanding of Singapore’s 人力资源、推进就业、鼓励创新和保障廉政等国家
nation-building and governance experiences. 治理理念。
With his extensive knowledge as the former President of
the Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development 药补贴制度。随着人口老龄化,医药成本越来越
Corporation, students felt they have benefitted 高,新加坡进行了医药改革,私立医院病人和政府
immensely from Prof Chan’s sharing, enabling them to 力民众的需要。
assimilate Singapore’s best governance practices and
apply them effectively within their respective workplaces.
By bridging theory with real-world experiences, NCPA’s 学习外充实了了解新加坡国家建设与治理经验的渠
programmes continue to develop our students’ ability 道。曾教授曾任中新苏州工业园区开发公司首任总
to become effective leaders of tomorrow, capable of 裁,对两国情况都非常了解,有助于同学们更好地
driving positive change within their spheres of influence. 学习和借鉴新加坡治理经验,将在狮城所学带回自
Lecture by Prof Chan Soo Sen on Singapore’s Experience in Nation Building and Governance. 己的工作岗位去,提高治理能力和服务水平。
曾士生教授 - “新加坡国家建设与治理经验”讲座