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南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 59
New Beginnings with a physical touch
AY2022-23 marked a return to some normalcy for the
NCPA English Programme Students. While the use of
Master of Public Administration (English) – MPA - E technology in online learning has been a boon for the
Master of Science (Managerial Economics) - MME - E students during the pandemic, it is not always the most
conducive environment for dedicated learning. It was,
Master of Social Sciences (China and Global Governance) - MCCG with a deep sense of relief, that we resumed the start
公共管理硕士,管理经济学硕士及社会科学硕士(中国与全球治理) of the two semesters with a physical academic briefing.
We were impressed by the enthusiasm our students
displayed as they welcomed the new semesters with a
new sense of purpose, even as the measures continued
With former politicians and senior government officials as members of our faculty, students will be equipped to ease. It was like a breath of fresh air, for our lecturers
with the know-how to develop and implement strategic policies to meet the challenges in their countries, and students to be back together. The collaborative spirit
enhancing their effectiveness as public administrators. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of of our students is incredibly inspiring, and we wish them 随着新冠疫情的进一步好转,2022/2023新学
Science in Managerial Economics (MME) groom future leaders by enhancing their analytical, management, and continued success in the new terms ahead. We can’t 年伊始,南洋公共管理研究生院英文硕士项目学生
leadership skills. The incorporation of real-life case studies and experiences into the curriculum equips students wait to be a part of their new academic year experience 回到校园,恢复以往的课堂生活常态。疫情期间,
with the most current and practical skills and knowledge to address national issues. and hope they find it as meaningful as we did. 南大有着较为严格的防疫措施,一些课程也因此改
The Master of Social Sciences in China and Global Governance (MCGG) offers empirically grounded and 的教学秩序,不过恢复实体教学对同学们来说更有
theoretically informed insights into China’s social, economic, and political evolution, as well as the country’s 助营造专注的学习环境。开学伊始,学院为同学们
increasing influence globally. 准备了面对面交流的课程介绍会,让老师和同学们
公共管理硕士和管理经济学硕士课程通过提高学生分析、管理和领导技能培养未来的 课程介绍会的机会重新审视学习方案,以便更好迎
领导者。课程配备雄厚的师资,新加坡政府前高级官员亲临授课,将现实案例和经验纳入 接新学期的挑战。实体课程也给予学生们彼此合作
课程,帮助学生掌握实用和最新的技能和知识,具备制定和实施政策及战略的能力,用以解决其所在 的机会。我们期待着同学们能在新的学年继续其优
国面临的挑战。 异表现,度过有意义的校园生活。
NCPA English Graduate Programme Students from AY2022-23 attending the Academic Briefing