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62  NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                        南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            63

 Extending our learning beyond the walls of the classroom


 In the recent semester starting January 2023, Nanyang   The  trip  to  Semakau  Landfill  gave  the  students  a
 Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) organised a   good opportunity to learn about Singapore’s inventive
 few unique learning trips for our students of the Master   problem-solving strategies. Students were introduced
 of  Social  Sciences  (China  and  Global  Governance)   to  cutting-edge  technologies  utilized  in  waste
 (MCGG) programme, including site visits to One-North,   management, and the intricate planning required for   MCGG 2023 Cohort attending the NTU - Strategem: Sino-Singapore Dialogue
 and  Semakau  landfill,  as  well  as  the  opportunity  to   environmentally  friendly  practices.  This  exceptional   参加南洋理工大学—思睿集团新中对话会
 participate  in  our  signature  NTU  Strategem  forum  to   method has set a precedent for others seeking a
 immerse our students in the importance of innovation   harmonious  balance  between  economic  growth  and   2023年1月新学期开学,南洋公共管理研究生  实马高垃圾埋置场之行让同学们感受到新加坡
 thinking  and  enable  them  to  appreciate  the  Belt  and   conservation efforts, inspiring many along the way.  院为中国与全球治理硕士项目的学生提供课堂之外  创造性的解决问题策略。这个埋置场在垃圾管理中
 Road  Initiative  (BRI)  developments  through  holistic,   的学习机会,在学院的组织下,同学们参观纬壹裕  采用了先进的技术和环保实践所需的复杂规划,在
 sustainable, and inclusive lenses as well as the role of   By attending the NTU Strategem forum, our students   廊集团和实马高垃圾埋置场,参加学院与思睿集  经济增长和环境保护间寻求和谐平衡。学生们在参
 Singapore in the region.  had an exceptional chance to acquire valuable insight   团主办的论坛,出席论坛旨在帮助他们开拓创新思  观中获得很多新的灵感。
 into the BRI’s goals. This initiative aims at promoting   维,从全面、可持续性和包容的视角观察“一带一
 The  educational  trip  took  the  students  to  visit  One-  global connectivity and cooperation by fostering   路”倡议的发展,以及新加坡在区域的作用。  在学院与思睿集团主办的论坛上,嘉宾们与同
 North, a subzone and business park established by JTC   collaboration  among  nations  across  the  globe.  The   学们分享了对“一带一路”倡议十年发展的看法和
 Corporation that highlights R&D and high-tech clusters.   forum  provided  a  comprehensive  reflection  on  this   在纬壹裕廊集团为研发和高科技集群打造的园  见解。“一带一路”通过促进全球各国间的合作促
 The students learned about the relevant policies driving   initiative  after  ten  years  of  committed  work  while   区内,学生们了解创新和创业的鼓励政策。纬壹园  进互联互通与合作,此次论坛旨在对倡议十年的努
 innovation and entrepreneurship at this location. With   highlighting communication and connection as   区是新加坡城市规划项目的成功案例,其周边地区  力进行反思。嘉宾们认为即便存在差异与分歧,沟
 the  past  success  like  Singapore-linked  townships,   critical elements for sustained progress during this   集聚了众多跨国公司和行业专家,展示了新加坡从  通和联系是“一带一路”继续前行的关键。
 along with the abundance of MNCs and industry experts   revitalization phase, regardless of any disparities or   发展中国家向以知识为主的经济体转变的过程,吸
 present in its vicinity, One-North is an exemplary model   disagreements present.  引了全球人才,也促进了创新。
 illustrating  Singapore’s  evolution  from  a  developing
 country  to  a  knowledge-based  economy  -  attracting
 global talent whilst promoting innovations.

 MCGG 2023 Cohort at the Meeting Point, JTC LaunchPad@One-North  MCGG 2023 Cohort at Semakau Landfill
 参观纬壹裕廊集团园区   参观实马高垃圾埋置场
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