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68 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 69
Executive Development Programmes (EDPs)
NCPA offered online Executive Development Programs to 培训/研修项目
several Chinese universities
学院为多个高校开设线上培训研修项目 Higher Education Management On-line Executive Development Programme for Beijing Technology and
高等教育管理 Business University on World-class Governance Capacity Enhancement
From April 2022 to March 2023, the NCPA provided 2022年4月至2023年3月,南洋公共管理研究生 —2022年5月
customized executive development programmes 院为中国多所高校提供线上培训研修项目,这些课
(EDPs) for several universities from China, focusing 程都是按照高校的需求而定制,内容涉及大学治理 On-line Executive Development Programme for Capital Normal
on a range of topics such as university governance, 能力、国际化以及教学方法改革和创新等专题。 University on International Higher Education and
internationalization development strategy, and Administration Management
pedagogical reform and innovation. 山东大学骨干管理人员能力提升培训是学院近 首都师范大学高等教育与行政管理师资国际课程
年来第三次为山东大学提供类似培训项目。山大一 —2022年5月
The EDP for the key administrative and management 校三地共57位学员参加此次培训。学院邀请了包
officers at Shandong University (SDU) was the third 括南洋理工大学前副校长余明华教授、协理副校长 On-line Executive Development Programme on Teaching Method
collaboration the NCPA held for the SDU in recent years. 暨南洋公共管理研究生院院长(研究和培训)刘宏 Reform and Innovation in Higher Education for Universities
A total of 57 participants from Shandong University’s 教授,计算机学院院长苗春燕教授以及学院院长王 “高校教学方法改革与创新”线上教师培训项目
three campuses attended the programme, which 珏副教授和大学其他多个学院的教授们为学员们上 —2023年1月
lasted nearly 2 months, consisting of 12 sessions. 课,全面介绍南大的发展策略、学院管理、国际化
Distinguished professors, including Prof Er Meng Hua, 和科技创新、人才培养机制以及世界一流学科建设 On-line Executive Development Programme for Shandong University
former Vice President of NTU, Prof Liu Hong, Associate 和发展产学研新模式方面的经验和做法,也分享了 on Higher Education Administrative Management Cadres
Vice President and Director (Research and EDPs) of 南大经验对中国高校发展的启示。 山东大学骨干管理人员能力提升在线培训项目
NCPA, Prof Miao Chunyan, Chair of School of Computer
Science, Associate Prof Wang Jue, Director of NCPA, as 北京林业大学国际化能力建设培训吸引了100 —2022年4月
well as professors from various schools of the university 位该校中层干部和教授的参与。南大两位资深管理 Online Executive Development Programme for Beijing University of
were invited to deliver lectures. The programme delved 者余明华教授和刘宏教授围绕高校国际化能力建设 Technology
into a wide range of important topics including NTU’s 主题讲授两讲课程。 on Pedagogy Reform and Innovation in Universities
development development strategies, university 北京工业大学“高校教学方法改革与创新”线上教师培训项目
management and internationalization, technological —2022年10月
innovation, talent nurturing, and its experience and
practices in building a world-class university and Online Executive Development Programme for Beijing Forestry
fostering industry-academia-research collaboration University Internationalization Capacity Building
models, as well as their implications for the universities 北京林业大学国际化能力建设在线培训班
in China.
Another EDP the NCPA ran for Beijing Forestry
University in December 2022 attracted the participation Artificial Intelligence, On-line Executive Development Programme by NTU
Business and Management
Renowned Professors’ Cloud Lectures
of 100 middle-level officers and professors as well. Two
distinguished NTU professors were engaged to deliver 人工智能 、商业及管理 南洋理工大学 “名师云课堂” 线上学生培训项目课程
lectures on the topic of developing the university’s —2022年8月
internationalization capacity. —2023年1月