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70 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 71
Strengthening the ties with the Thai Government Officials
The Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) 105 high-ranking officials from Thailand, including 南洋公共管理研究生院与淡马锡基金会、 泰国
has teamed up with the Temasek Foundation (TF) ministerial ranking officials, principal governors, 帕拉希迪波克国王学院合作设计了一项旨在提升泰
and King Prajadhipok’s Institute (KPI) to design city mayors, department heads and key personnel 国100多名高级官员领导能力的高级培训项目。这
an Executive Development Programme aimed at of central government institutions have gone 是学院继去年与泰国公务员委员会成功合作后的又
enhancing leadership skills of 105 key officials through the rigorous selection conducted by KPI to 一次合作。泰国帕拉希迪波克国王学院是泰国国会
from Thailand. This initiative comes hot on the take part in this programme. The training is aimed 下属的独立学术机构,进行研究和培训项目,并为
heels of a successful collaboration between NCPA at enhancing their skills and expertise in public 中央和地方提供公共治理的发展信息。同时,该机
and the Office of Civil Service Commission last year. sector leadership, administration and economic 构也与国外机构合作,以实现可持续的发展目标。
KPI, which operates as an independent academic development while incorporating best practices from 三方合作为推进泰国政府的“善治”提供帮助。
organization under Thailand’s National Assembly, Singapore. Additionally, the programme also focuses
conducts research and training programmes while on sustainable development and digital economy 泰国王学院精心挑选105名高级官员,包括部
also disseminating information about governance to further strengthen their knowledge base. As a 级、主要省份的省长和市长、中央部门的负责人
development for effective local and national level refreshing departure after COVID-19 restrictions 等。希望通过培训提高他们在公共部门领导和管理
administration. Additionally, they collaborate closely ease up globally - we are pleased to announce that 能力,结合新加坡发展的实践经验,拓展其经济发
with both domestic and foreign agencies in pursuit of participants can look forward to attending a two- 展领域的专业知识。此外,本培训项目还重点关注
sustainable democracy objectives. week long physical training session in Singapore. The 可持续发展和数字经济,进一步加强他们在相关领 Virtual Meeting with TF and KPI
proposed programme scheduled to commence from 域的知识基础。随着全球各国步入后疫情时代,该
The collaboration between NCPA, TF, and KPI is a the middle of 2023. 项目计划于2023年年中开始,学员们有望在新加坡
significant move towards developing better governance 参加为期两周的实体课程。
in Thailand.