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74 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 75
2022 NTU-Stratagem Sino-Singapore Dialogue: 2022 Lien Fellows
The Green Belt & Road Initiative
Singapore | 新加坡
Fellow 学者 Designation 职衔 Research focus 研究课题
The NTU-Stratagem Sino-Singapore Dialogue was BRI that helps Asia achieve climate neutrality, protect
again held in Singapore on 14 July 2022. This time biodiversity and improve livelihoods. Ms Hany Soh Hui Bin Member of the Parliament of Singapore Study on how China raises environmental
dialogue focused on the theme of “The Green Belt and 苏慧敏女士 新加坡国会议员 consciousness within its community
Road Initiative”. 2022年7月14日,南洋理工大学—思睿集团中 研究中国如何提高社区的环保意识
新对话会在新加坡举行。 Mr Teo Eng Dih Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Study on China’s “Common Prosperity” policy
This dialogue seeks to create an interactive and 张英智先生 Authority of Singapore (MPA) 探讨中国的“共同富裕”政策
productive platform for government officials, 此次对话会以“绿色‘一带一路’”为主题, 新加坡海事和港务局首席执行官
international affairs practitioners, academics, and 旨在为政府官员、国际事务从业者、学者和商界人
businessmen to share their thoughts pertaining to the 士提供一个交流和互动的平台,对“绿色‘一带一
Green Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and how this initiative 路’倡议”的相关课题以及该倡议如何为绿色技 China | 中国
can lay the foundation for regional cooperation in the 术、绿色基础设施、绿色融资和绿色分销领域的区 Fellow 学者 Designation 职衔 Research focus 研究课题
areas of Green Technology, Green Infrastructure, Green 域合作奠定基础,分享他们的看法。政府、企业和
Financing and Green Distribution. With the increasingly 社会携手应对气候变化已经迫在眉睫,此次对话会 Dr Yang Zhe Deputy Director-General, Unlisted Public Study on Singapore’s practice and experience as an
pressing need for governments, business and societies 希望能为多方利益相关者提供对话平台,共同探讨 杨喆博士 Company Supervision Department, China international financial center in cross-border capital
to address the issue of climate change, we aspire for 如何更好的建设生态友好、绿色的“一带一路”, Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) flow, capital market supervision, etc.
this forum to serve as a conducive platform for multiple 帮助亚洲各国实现气候中立、保护生物多样性和改 中国证券监督管理委员会非上市公众公 研究新加坡作为国际金融中心在跨境资本流动、
stakeholders to exchange views and proposals on 善环境。
how best to develop an ecologically-friendly and green Mr Tian Yaobin General Manager, China Electronics Study on how China and Singapore can cooperate
田耀斌先生 Technology Group Corporation (CETC) in the fields of digital economy, smart city,
International Co., Ltd. technological innovation, and other fields to promote
中国电科国际总经理 high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and
Road Initiative”
Mr Han Zhuo Director-General, Yunnan Research on the regulatory framework of stock
韩卓先生 Regulatory Bureau, issuance in Singapore, the issuance regulatory
China Securities Regulatory agency, and operating mechanism and experience
Commission (CSRC) 研究新加坡股票发行监管制度框架,发行监管机
中国证监会云南监管局局长 构及运行机制,以及经验教训
Ms Hu Xiaohong Chairman, Zhongshi Huakai Study on the influence of public relation, media and
胡小红女士 Media Group (ZHMG) think tanks on Singapore’s politics, economy, social
Secretary-General, Culture & Peace governance and cultural communication, and its
Committee, Charhar Institute lessons for China
中视华凯传媒集团董事长 探讨公关、媒体和智库对新加坡政治、经济、
From left: Dr Zhang Shuwei (Director and Chief Economist, Draworld Environment Research Center), Mr Ignatius Lim (Senior International Advisor, 察哈尔学会文化与和平委员会秘书长 社会治理和文化传播的影响,以及给中国的借鉴
Shell Eastern Petroleum), Dr Zhang Junhua (Senior Associate, European Institute for Asian Studies), Mr Goh Kong Yong (Managing Director,
Stratagem Group) and Mr Philip Lim (Director and Principal, RHT Green)]
左起:张树伟博士, 林瑞光先生,张俊华博士, 吴广勇先生, 林伟民先生