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76 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 77
Lien Fellows Gathering in Beijing 京举办“连氏学者研讨会”暨“2023连氏学者聚
新中两国连氏学者相聚北京 方式参加了活动。
This hybrid gathering, held on 15 April 2023, in Beijing, Following the seminar, the physical attendees were 发展情况。全球化智库副主任高志凯博士为学者们
provided an opportunity for the Lien Fellows from engaged in a creative handicraft activity, sharing their 做题为《中美关系前景展望》的主题演讲。下午,
Singapore and China to reconnect and strengthen their unique pieces. The gathering demonstrated the strong 学者们还进行了创意手工的文化体验活动,分享彼
community bonds. The event featured a seminar entitled connection and friendship of the Lien Fellows, which 此独特的作品。
“Prospects for Sino-US relations” by Dr Gao Zhikai, was established over the years.
Deputy Director of Center for China and Globalization. 南洋理工大学驻中国办事处主任文泉参加当天 Dr Gao Zhikai, Deputy Director of CCG
的活动。活动为学者们提供了面对面的交流机会, 全球化智库副主任高志凯博士
Handicraft activity