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80  NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                        南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            81

 NCPA-SMF Focus Group Discussion on ‘Opportunities in
 global supply chains and regional initiatives for Singapore

 businesses in the post-COVID 19 era’


 COVID-19-induced lockdowns and border closures, as   on the topic ‘Opportunities in global supply chains
 well as heightening geopolitical tensions have disrupted   and regional initiatives for Singapore businesses in
 supply chains with far-reaching implications on logistics,   the post-COVID 19 era’ on 27 May 2022. Featuring Ms
 talent, and consumer markets globally. At this time of   Quah Lay Hoon (then CEO, Maritime and Port Authority
 uncertainty and volatility, initiatives such as the Regional   Singapore),  Mr  Ho  Wai  Luen  Terrence  (Associate
 Comprehensive  Economic  Partnership  (RCEP)  are  key   Professor in Practice, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
 in improving Singapore’s economic connectivity in the   Policy,  National  University  of  Singapore),  Mr  Andreas
 region,  and  creating  new  opportunities  for  Singapore   Kreitz  (then  Vice  President  and  Managing  Director,
 businesses with preferential access to the markets of   Stratagem Group), and Ms Low Shu Ping Cindy (Business
 regional countries. As the global economy becomes   Partner, Corporate Planning, Enterprise Singapore),
 more digitally and innovation-driven, workforce training,   the  discussion  covered  the  impacts  of  COVID-19  and
 talent  management,  digital  security  governance,  and   geopolitical tensions on Singapore and Southeast Asia,
 ESG are crucial for enterprises in the long-term.   focusing on the reshaping of global supply chains and
 company operations, and the substantial roles that
 In  collaboration  with  the  Singapore  Manufacturing   Singapore  can play  to  improve  regional  connectivity
 Federation  (SMF),  Nanyang  Centre  for  Public   and trade.
 Administration organised a focus group discussion
                  新冠疫情期间,各国不同程度的采取了边境管                        Terrence,时任新加坡思睿集团副总裁Adreas
              控措施,伴随地缘政治紧张局势加剧,打乱了供                           Kreitz,新加坡企业发展局企业规划业务伙伴Low
              应链,对全球物流、人才的流动和消费市场产生了                          Shu  Ping作为讨论嘉宾出席。圆桌讨论会围绕新冠
              深远的影响。在这个充满不确定性和波动性的时                           疫情和地缘政治紧张局势对新加坡和东南亚的影响
              期,区域全面伙伴关系等国际间合作对增强新加坡                          的主题展开,着重讨论了全球供应链重塑和公司运
              在区域内的经济联通性以及为新加坡企业创造新机                          营,以及新加坡在改善区域互联互通和贸易方面的
              会,并优先进入区域内国家市场产生至关重要的影                          重要作用。

              大学李光耀公共政策学院副教授Ho                   Wai   Luen
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