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82 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 83
(Research and Executive Education), Nanyang Centre 新加坡南洋理工大学社会科学学院、华裔馆、
Conference on Singapore as a Hub & Corridor in Asia for Public Administration (NCPA), introduced the origin 南洋公共管理研究生院于2023年3月3-4日在南洋
of this conference and pointed out that Singapore, 理工大学联合举办了“新加坡作为亚洲枢纽与通
南洋公共管理研究生院联办“新加坡作为亚洲枢纽与通道” located in a crucial geographical position, has played 道”国际研讨会。本次会议是继2019年所举办的
国际研讨会 a pivotal role as a hub throughout history, facilitating 纪念新加坡开埠200周年国际研讨会“传承、认同、
the flow of commerce, knowledge, population, and 前瞻”之后,新加坡200周年项目下的第二场国际
connecting various countries in the Asian region. The 研讨会。研讨会汇聚了来自亚洲、欧洲、澳洲等区
discussion surrounding Singapore’s role as a hub and 域的学者。
The School of Social Sciences (SSS), Chinese The two keynote speakers speaking at the opening corridor in Asia carries significant importance. Lastly,
Heritage Centre (CHC) and Nanyang Centre for Public ceremony were Prof Danny Wong Tze Ken (Dean, Faculty he also introduced the three organizers SSS, CHC and 会议开幕式于3日上午举行,主题演讲嘉宾为
administration (NCPA) jointly organised a conference of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya) and Prof NCPA, emphasizing their significant roles in the fields of 马来亚大学文学院院长黄子坚教授,以及新加坡国
entitled “Singapore as A Hub and Corridor in Asia” on Kenneth Dean (Director, Wan Boo Sow Research Centre research on social science, Chinese diaspora, and public 立大学中文系云茂潮研究中心主任、新加坡国立大
3 and 4 March 2023 at NTU. This conference is the for Chinese Culture; Religion and Globalisation Research management and policy as well as training. 学研究所宗教与全球化研究负责人丁荷生教授。
second international conference under the Singapore Cluster Leader, Asia Research Institute, National
Bicentennial project, following the commemorative University of Singapore). The two-day conference consisted of four panel 在欢迎致辞中,南洋理工大学协理副校长(国
international conference “SG200: Heritage, Identity, discussions focusing on “Culture, Religion and Media”; 际事务)、社会科学学院陈六使讲席教授、南洋公
Progress” held in 2019 to mark the 200 anniversary In his welcome address, Prof Liu Hong, Associate Vice “Development and Transformation”; “Migration and 共管理研究生院院长(研究和培训)刘宏教授介绍了
of the founding of Singapore. The conference gathered President (International Engagement), Tan Lark Sye Communities”; “Experience in Singapore and Beyond”. 此次研讨会的源起,并指出,新加坡位处重要的地
around 20 scholars from regions including Asia, Europe, Chair Professor, School of Social Sciences; Director After the conference, the scholars visited the Sustainable 理位置,从历史到现在一直扮演着枢纽的作用,是
and Australia.
Singapore Gallery and Asian Civilisations Museum to 商业、知识、人口等流动的重要中转站与行道,连
have a better understanding of Singapore’s history, 结亚洲区域各国。可以说,此次围绕新加坡作为亚
current situation, and development. 洲枢纽与通道而展开的讨论具有重要的意义。最
Group photo