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64 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 65
Letting our hair down with a mid-term activity
Taking a break from the stress of studying or job 为了让同学们能在紧张的学习和求职中释放压
searching can be crucial for maintaining productivity 力,南洋公共管理研究生院为三个英文硕士项目的
and well-being. Recently, students enrolled in the 学生开展了期中活动“校园再探索”。
MME-E, MPA-E, and MCGG programmes had such an
opportunity, thanks to NCPA’s mid-term activities held 这个活动希望可以帮助同学们解压,在学期中
on 23 February 2023. 间与同龄人一起参加放松活动,打卡校园内的“小
The initiative was designed with student well-being
as its primary focus. Students were able to step away 学院始终将学生的心理健康放在重要位置,这
from their regular classroom routine and spend time 样的“解压”活动不仅让学生放松心情,也为他们
engaging in relaxing activities with their peers while 充足电力,为假期后重回课堂点燃激情。
discovering new aspects of campus life that they might
not have known before.
This inaugural event proved successful in re-energising
our hard-working students who returned to class Students “check-in” at various
eager to continue learning at their best ability. As we locations across the campus
look forward to future opportunities like this one, 学生们在校园各处“打卡”
NCPA will continue to prioritise our student’s mental
health. With a range of activities on offer, students will
have the opportunity to relax and recharge their minds
and bodies.