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6 6 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 7
Professor Liu Hong
Director’s Message 刘宏教授
Director (Research and Executive Education),
院长寄语 Nanyang Centre for Public Administration
Executive Director, Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship
Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Associate Vice President (International Engagement)
The year 2022 was a momentous time for the Nanyang Their attendance and remarks provided a resounding Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) as we affirmation of the remarkable progress made by the
celebrated our 30 anniversary and the 15 anniversary institution. Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat 新加坡南洋理工大学
of the Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship. We marked emphasized the important role played by NCPA and 连瀛洲纪念奖学金执行主任
this significant milestone with a grand celebration in the Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship in fostering a 协理副校长(国际合作)
Singapore and the publication of a Commemorative deeper understanding between Singapore and China as 陈六使讲席教授(公共政策与全球事务)
Book to reflect upon NCPA’s remarkable trajectory. well as other countries. He further encouraged NCPA
Personally, I have had the great honor of serving as to forge new connections, establishing bridges linking The growth of the NCPA is intrinsically linked to 燕阁下、印度尼西亚驻新加坡大使Suryo Pratomo
Director of NCPA from January 2014 to December Singapore with China, the ASEAN region, and the wider the growing reputation of Nanyang Technological 阁下,以及南大常务副校长兼教务长林杉教授的莅
2022 and as Director (Research and Executive world. NCPA’s development vision aligns well with this University as a global university and the indispensable 临和讲话,充分肯定了学院的发展和贡献。王瑞
Education) since January 2023. Having been part of perspective, striving to become a leading centre for support from the NTU senior management. More 杰副总理认为学院和连瀛洲纪念奖学金搭建了桥
the institution’s journey, I am humbled and privileged public governance education and research, especially importantly, it is the result of the dedicated efforts 梁,促进新中两国官员和人民的深层了解,并鼓励
to have the opportunity of working closely with all in the context of a globalising Asia. of NCPA faculty and staff members. With this annual 学院建立新桥梁,联系中国和本区域以至全世界。
the colleagues, witnessing and contributing to the report, we would like to express our heartfelt 学院的发展愿景也将与此契合,立足亚洲,面向全
progress we have achieved. Over the past thirty years, NCPA has achieved steady appreciation to all our friends and institutions who 球,为建立顶尖的公共治理教育与研究机构而不懈
development, rooted in its strong foundation of have demonstrated their care and unwavering support 努力。
The global landscape is undergoing significant education, advanced training and executive education, for the NCPA’s continued development.
transformations, driven by the advent of the Fourth Fellowship, and research and outreaching initiatives. 南洋公共管理研究生院三十年的稳步发展,学
Industrial Revolution as well as by the profound socio- We are thrilled to witness significant progress in 2022年对南洋公共管理研究生院来说,是值得 历教育、高级研修和培训、高端访问学者项目以及
economic and demographical changes. These changes all four domains. The number of full-time master’s 纪念的一年,学院发展30周年暨连瀛洲纪念奖学金 研究是学院发展的基石。唯有与时俱进的办好每一
have created new demands and huge challenges for students has reached a new milestone, increasing from 成立15周年。11月我们在新加坡举行隆重庆祝活动, 个项目,才可以推动整个学院的发展。我们欣喜的
research, education, and practice of public governance. fewer than 50 in 2014 to 520 in 2022. Our Executive 并出版特刊,以纪念学院发展的这一重要里程碑。 看到学院在四个领域都取得长足进步,在校硕士生
We fully recognize the weight of our responsibility in Education Programmes are expanding into all ASEAN 对我个人而言,从2014年1月担任院长,到2023年一 人数创新高,从2014年的不到50人增加到2022年的
nurturing skilled professionals in public management, countries, leveraging online teaching methods to 月转任主管研究和培训的院长,与有荣焉。作为南 520人;高端培训继续开拓东南亚市场,结合互联
fostering partnerships with governments, businesses, enhance the breadth and depth of our offerings. The 洋公共管理研究生院正式建院后的第二任院长,十 网的线上教学,培训研修的广度和深度持续提高;
and academic institutions, and delivering optimal Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship has successfully 年来我有幸与全体同仁同心协力,既是学院发展的 连瀛洲纪念奖学金的新加坡和中国学者大家庭吸纳
solutions to promote good governance within the brought together Fellows from Singapore and China, 建设者,也是学院成长的见证者。 两国政府、商界和专业人士的加入,成为联系新中
nation and the region. This noble mission is a collective attracting government officials, business leaders, 未来领袖的重要平台;连氏国际学术会议和中国发
endeavour that encompasses all individuals engaged and professionals, serving as a vibrant platform for 当前世界格局发生显著变化,社会变迁日新月 展论坛是学院重要的学术活动,拓展了学院的研究
in the field of public administration. fostering connections among future leaders from 异,第四次工业革命方兴未艾。这些都对公共治理 网络,推动与世界顶尖的公共管理研究机构建立合
both nations. Lien International Conferences and 的研究、教学和实践提出新的期许和巨大挑战。我 作。
We were truly inspired by the presence and speeches China Development Forums are key policy-relevant 们深感责任重大,培养公共管理的专业人才,展
of Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, Chinese academic events in facilitating the broadening of our 开与政府、企业和高校的合作,为本国和区域内的 南洋公共管理研究生院的发展与南洋理工大学
Ambassador Sun Haiyan, Indonesian Ambassador research network and establishing collaborations “善治”提供优选方案,是所有公管人肩上的使命。 的实力和声誉紧密关联,是学院全体教职员工努力
Suryo Pratomo, and NTU Deputy President and Provost with renowned public administration research 的结果,也体现了大学领导的支持和鼓励。谨此年
Ling San at the NCPA’s 30 Anniversary and Lien Ying institutions worldwide. 让我们备受鼓舞的是,在学院30周年双庆晚宴 度报告,向所有关心学院发展的朋友和机构表示由
Chow Legacy Fellowship 15 Anniversary Celebration. 上,新加坡副总理王瑞杰、中国驻新加坡大使孙海 衷感谢。