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4  NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23                                                         南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告            5

 Director’s Message


                                                              Associate Professor Wang Jue
 This  is  a  fulfilling  year  marked  by  significant   emphasis of an updated and dynamic curriculum   王珏副教授
 achievements,  and  we  are  delighted  to  present  the   provides an enriching and inspiring academic journey   Director, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA)
 highlights of our annual report. Looking back, the   for students from diverse backgrounds and age groups.   Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences
 Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA)   From offering executive development programmes to   Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
 has achieved remarkable progress, leveraging the   Chinese  officials  to  pioneering  Master’s  programmes
 diverse interdisciplinary education and research   conducted  in  Chinese  and  subsequently  expanding   新加坡南洋理工大学
 resources offered by Nanyang Technological University,   our reach to encompass ASEAN and beyond, NCPA   南洋公共管理研究生院院长
 Singapore (NTU Singapore).  aims  to  fulfil  its  mission  of  nurturing  students  with
 the  essential  knowledge,  aptitude,  and  skills  to   Singapore’s successful practices in public governance,   南洋公共管理研究生院汇集了一批学贯东西、
 To  date,  NCPA  has  expanded  its  postgraduate   provide a solid foundation for their future careers in    economic  development,  social  management,  经验丰富的教授讲授学科前沿知识。我们不断更新
 programmes  to  a  comprehensive  range  of  six   public administration.  and  globalisation,  we  will  remain  committed  to   课程体系,为不同年龄和背景的学生提供丰富而具
 Master’s  programmes  available  in  both  English  and   staying ahead of the ever-changing landscape,  有启发性的课程。从为中国官员提供培训到国外高
 Chinese,  and  conducted  executive  development   Our  extensive  alumni  network  of  over  20,000   embracing transformation and forging deeper and    校首创中文授课的硕士项目,再将培训课程拓展到
 programmes  tailored  for  government  officials,   individuals spanning China and various countries   enduring collaborations.   东南亚和域外国家。一路走来,南洋公共管理研究
 public administrators, and administrative cadres of   worldwide have also made NPCA proud. With excellent   生院以学生培养为己任,传授知识,拓展视野,提
 higher learning institutions from China, ASEAN and   career prospects, many of our alumni have emerged as   Looking  ahead,  we  welcome  you  to  join  us  as  we   升才能,厚植人脉,为他们的未来打下坚实的基础。
 beyond.  Another  accolade  is  the  well-attended  Lien   leaders in their respective industries and fields. They   embark on our quest to become a leading institution of
 International Conference on Good Governance that has   continue to maintain close ties with NCPA, serving as   education and research in public governance, striving   南洋公共管理研究生院拥有丰富的校友网络,
 established itself as a prominent event in the field of   bridges between Singapore and their home countries,   to reach new heights of success.  20000多名校友遍布中国各地以及世界多个国家,这
 public administration. NCPA has earned the valued   fostering  friendly  relationships  across  borders.  We   是学院多年努力耕耘的结晶,也是学院引以为傲的
 recognition from both the local and governments of   extend  our  sincere  appreciation  to  our  alumni  for   非常荣幸为大家呈上南洋公共管理研究生院  资源。校友们在毕业后有着良好的职业前景,成为
 other countries, esteemed partner institutions, and   the long-standing support and encourage them   2022/2023年度报告。  所在行业和领域的领袖人才。校友们心系学院,胸
 students. All these accomplishments bear testament   to continue being a driving force in supporting our   怀天下,成为新加坡与所在国家联系的桥梁和纽带,
 to the evolvement and success of NCPA.  ongoing development and success.   2022年,南洋公共管理研究生院依托南洋理工  更是多国间的友好使者。“国之交在于民相亲”,
              大学丰富的跨学科资源,开设六个中英文硕士项目, 我们感谢校友们在加深彼此理解,推动务实合作中
 As  the  newly  appointed  Director,  I  am  honoured   The  progress  of  NCPA  hinges  upon  the  support  and   并为来自中国和东南亚的政府官员、公共行政人员  所做的积极努力,也希望你们可以成为学院继续发
 to  collaborate  with  Professor  Liu  Hong  and  other   collaboration of our friends from all walks of life. On   和高校管理人员提供培训和研修项目。学院的学术  展的动力与助力,为学院的成长和成功做出贡献。
 colleagues  to  lead  our  institution  towards  the  next   behalf of NCPA, I express my heartfelt thanks to the   活动丰富,连氏发展国际会议成为公共管理学界重
 phase of growth and advancement. Even as I humbly   NTU leaders, colleagues, donors, partner institutions,   要的学术会议之一。可以说,学院的发展取得累累  南洋公共管理研究生院的发展离不开关心和支
 embrace  this  responsibility  with  resolve  and  vigour,     alumni,  our  dedicated  professors,  staff,  as  well  as   硕果。  持的各界朋友,包括大学领导和相关部门的同事,
 I am fully cognisant of the significance the role carries   students, for their contribution and continuation of this   捐赠机构,合作机构以及校友、教职员工以及学生。
 and  will  endeavour  to  build  upon  the  rich  legacy  of   unwavering support.  我感到非常荣幸能够被委任为南洋公共管理研  继往开来,我谨代表学院真诚希望得到一如既往的
 NCPA, to further elevate its standing and influence.  究生院院长,与刘宏教授和其他同仁一道推进学院  支持和帮助。我们以创建世界一流公共管理研究生
 Guided by our vision of establishing a world-class public   不断向前发展。南洋公共管理研究生院的发展迅速, 院为愿景,推动学院的教育、培训、研究与管理创
 NCPA prides itself on its esteemed team of seasoned   administration and research institution, we will strive   也赢得了新加坡和中国政府、合作机构和学生的认  新。借助南洋理工大学的学术积淀和新加坡的公共
 professors,  who  are  well-versed  in  both  Eastern   to foster innovation in education, training, research,   可与口碑。继往开来,星火相传。在学院稳步迈入  治理体制、经济发展、社会管理和全球化的成功实
 and  Western  perspectives,  imparting  cutting-edge   and  management  within  NCPA.  By  harnessing  the   第二个30年之时,作为新任院长,感到肩负压力, 践,与时俱进,拥抱变化,为更长久和更深广的合
 knowledge  within  their  respective  discipline.  Our   academic  expertise  and  experience  of  NTU  and   但也动力满怀。  作蓄力前行,并再创辉煌!
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