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16 NCPA ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 南洋公共管理研究生院年度报告 17
Vice President Ms Lien Siaou-Sze, Vice President China to all Southeast Asian countries and beyond.
Double Celebration for the Nanyang Centre for Prof Tim White, President Emeritue Prof Su Guaning, NCPA has accumulated rich experience in its thirty
Public Administration and Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship NTU community, corporate partners and donors, years of development. Its programmes are now well
alumni, and current students also joined in celebrating received and recognised in Singapore, China and
双庆晚宴隆重举行 this significant milestone. ASEAN. NTU will continue to support NCPA to create
impact through its programmes and partnerships,
In his keynote speech, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Deputy President and Provost Prof Ling San said.
Swee Keat commended NCPA for coming a long way
in building bridges between Singapore and China over Calling the relationship between China and Singapore
the last 30 years, serving as a virtual node for China to an “exemplary one,” Chinese Ambassador to Singapore,
understand Singapore and the region and for the area Her Excellency Sun Haiyan said that it is essential “to
to have a better appreciation of China. Mr Heng noted cooperate with the competent and progress together.”
the progress of NCPA and LYCLF over the decades, “Under the strong leadership of our leaders over the
especially the NCPA’s “Mayors’ Class” programmes, decades, China and Singapore have been advancing
which started as the first training programme for cooperation at all levels based on mutual respect
government officials from China 30 years ago. He and win-win outcomes,” she said, adding that
urged the NCPA to progress to maintain relevance and NCPA’s programmes best illustrate this, stating that
grow its contributions. He also called on the institution homecoming graduates have benefitted enormously
to innovate its offerings and design programmes to from mutual learning and this has bridged the bilateral
facilitate interactions across nationalities and cultures. cooperation between the two countries.
In addition, LYCLF was launched in 2007 to strengthen
Singapore-China bilateral relations through its The highlight of the gala dinner was the launch of the
Distinguished Fellowship and Fellowship programmes. commemorative publication of the 30 anniversary
of NCPA and the 15 anniversary of the Lien Ying
Over the past decade, NCPA has gradually expanded Chow Legacy Fellowship – Shaping the Future. The
the reach of its executive education programmes from launch was officiated by Deputy Prime Minister Heng
Swee Keat, Professor Ling San, Deputy President
and Provost, NTU Singapore, Dr Vincent Lien, Lien
Fellowship Council member, Professor Joseph Liow,
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences,
NTU Singapore, and Professor Liu Hong, Director of
NCPA, NTU Singapore.
The local media publicized the gala dinner on various
From Left: Prof Joseph Liow, Prof Ling San, Mr Heng Swee Keat, Dr Vincent Lien and Prof Liu Hong platforms. On behalf of NCPA & LCYLF, Professor
Liu Hong, Director of NCPA, expressed his gratitude
25 November 2022 is a day to remember as Nanyang Heritage Board Ms Chang Hwee Nee, Ambassadors to all who have supported the Centre and the LCYLF,
Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) celebrates and representatives from China, Indonesia, Laos, including donors, partners, the NTU community, faculty
its 30 Anniversary of Development & Lien Ying Chow the Philippines, and France. In addition, the NTU members, alumni, students, and friends. The year of
Legacy Fellowship’s (LYCLF) 15 Anniversary. Deputy senior management team included BOT members Mr double celebration is also a starting point as NCPA and
Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat graced the event as Zainul Abidin Rasheed and Mr Goh Sin Teck, Deputy the Lien Ying Chow Legacy Fellowship embark on a
the Guest of Honour. The other distinguished guests President and Provost Prof Ling San, Senior Vice DPM Heng Swee Keat new journey toward a better future.
included Minister of State, Prime Minister Office Mr President (Research) Prof Lam Khin Yong, Senior 新加坡副总理王瑞杰
Desmond Tan, Chief Executive Officer of National Vice President (Administration) Ms Tan Aik Na and