Page 91 - 南洋公共管理研究生院
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and personalities and engaging with the dedicated 这次活动让校友和学生们感受到温情新加坡,
Nurturing the next generation of leaders staff and volunteers at the centre. Our alumni gained 通过与孩子、爱心机构工作人员和志愿者的互动,
deeper insights into the vital role played by the centre 了解新加坡社会的多元性,和孩子们的独特需求。
NCPA校友参与社区活动 in the community and how NTU contributes to the 校友们也在活动中对南大如何融入社区,举办“We
overall ecosystem. Belong”活动的意义以及爱心中心在社区中的作用
NCPA prioritizes maintaining strong connections with part of NCPA's commitment to the University's We 南洋公共管理研究生院注重与校友保持联系,
its alumni and offers valuable opportunities for current Belong Campaign 2023, the event involved hosting 并为在校学生提供与校友的互动机会,帮助他们拓
students to engage with them, fostering meaningful children from the Loving Hearts Multi-service Centre at 展朋友圈,建立具有价值的人脉资源。
relationships and expanding their professional networks. Trick Eye @ Sentosa.
In an event held on 26 November 2022, our students 2022年11月26日,学院英文项目的学生和公共
from the NCPA English graduate programmes and This unique experience provided an opportunity for 管理硕士项目的校友参与了一项特别的活动,与来
alumni from the Master of Public Administration our students and alumni to witness a different side 自新加坡爱心服务中心的孩子们一起游览圣淘沙3D
programme came together for a special gathering. As of Singapore, observing the children's interactions 美术馆。这也是南洋理工大学“We Belong”南大社
NCPA students and Alumni joined the NTU "We Belong" Campaign 2023
NCPA校友和学生们参加大学“We Belong"活动